Research & Innovation in Western Greece 2024: Production of new/improved products, services & processes in accordance with the NSSS through support of enterprises and their collaboration with research organisations


The main objective of action 1.i.1 "Production of new/improved products, services and processes in accordance with the National Smart Specialisation Strategy (NSSS) and its specialisation on a regional level through support of enterprises and their collaboration with research organisations" is to support projects for the research development of products and/or services by enterprises in the Region of Western Greece in the following ways:

  • through the potential to create collaborative business schemes with appropriate research organisations in the framework of medium-term research consortia; or
  • by enterprises that can implement such actions either through a contract with research organisations or with their research departments, in the sectors included in the Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy of Western Greece, as identified following the relevant business discovery process. 

Date Last Modified

03/01/2025 14:31